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Is there other search engines than Google?

Some time ago, the topic of data protection on the Internet has come back to the fore. Not only does websites collect and store cookies for analytical purposes, but also search engines. With 95% market share, Google is the most popular search engine of all times.

We take this as an opportunity to investigate some Google alternatives that still value privacy and works pretty well

1. Duckduckgo

The best-known search engine with better data protection is Duckduckgo. It promises not to collect user data and neither IP addresses nor searches to analyze. You can also search websites, as well as images and videos. Search results are based on open data sources such as Wikipedia, Yelp or LastFM.

This anti-Google is a creation of Gabriel Weinberg, an elite graduate of MIT University, who earned $ 10 million selling a start-up a few years ago. Four years ago DuckDuckGo started. The name is a variation of "Duck, Duck Goose", the name of the traditional children’s game.

2. StartPage

Like Duckduckgo, the Dutch search engine StartPage (formerly Ixquick) promise not to register any user data, including which browser is used. On July 14, 2008, Ixquick / Startpage received the first European privacy seal (EuroPriSe). This makes Ixquick the first and only search engine officially certified in accordance with EU data protection legislation. StartPage is owned by Surfboard Holding B.V


3. MetaGer

MetaGer is a so-called meta-search engine, which was developed in 1996 by the University of Hannover and now registered by the association Suma e. V. which is operated in cooperation with the University of Hanover. It automatically searches a number of web search engines and then summarizes the results. If you wish, you can also decide which sources are used for the search. In addition to a simple web search, you can also search for images, news, scientific articles or products here. Metager does not collect IP addresses, nor does the search engine store cookies of visitors. You can also use the search engine anonymously through the Tor network.

4. Blinde Kuh

The search engine for children between the ages of eight and twelve called Blinde Kuh has no ads and has existed for 20 years.

The web directory is managed by a non-profit association. Since 2004, Blind Cow has received financial support from the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Retirees, Women and Youth and the Federal Government's Plan for Children and Youth. In addition to web content, children will find tips on safe browsing, kid-friendly news, games and videos. In addition to the German search engine, there is also a variant for Turkish-speaking children and a search course in which children learn to find optimal results.

5. Wolfram Alpha

Unlike portals such as StartPage or Duckduckgo, Wolfram Alpha differs significantly from traditional search engines such as Google or Bing.

It is an online service based on Mathematica software to find and present information developed by Wolfram Research.

Retrieve searchers from websites that are as relevant as possible; the site tries to process information based on algorithms and to provide the user with direct answers to his questions. The underlying approach, however, is that only questions can be answered for which an exact answer is possible. Apart from personal ratings like “best actor” or a well-known influencer, you will find neutral results here. Only that the loading of the page takes a bit longer..

6. Million Short

In principle, Million Short works like a normal search engine, but also considers the display of search results if you wish. Unlike Google or Bing, with Million Short you can exclude the best 100, 1,000, 10,000, 100,000 or one million results. It's like starting the search on page 50 of Google's search results or any other search engine, and just not use the option.

The Canadian search engine Million Short does not just rely on Google content and can filter in the configuration, the content shown even more.

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