Ozark is an American crime drama web television series created by Bill Dubuque and produced by Media Rights Capital. Jason Bateman stars in the series; he also directed the first two and last two episodes of season 1.
Bateman portrays financial planner Marty Byrde, and Laura Linney portrays his wife, Wendy Byrde, a homemaker turned real estate agent.The series was renewed for a 10-episode second season which is set to be released on August 31, 2018.
Financial planner Marty Byrde suddenly relocates the family from Chicago suburb of Naperville to a summer resort community in the Missouri Ozarks after a money laundering mission goes wrong, and he must pay off a debt to a Mexican drug cartel. When the Byrdes arrive to Missouri they become entangled with local criminals as well.
"Ozark" would be a family drama, in the true sense of the word, and one real strength is the phenomenal Laura Linney, but also Sofia Hublitz and Skylar Gaertner, who play the children Charlotte and Jonah.
Around the family there are several characters that are hard to take your eyes of. Like Ruth Langmore (Julia Garner) - A young girl with long fingers from an infamous trailer park family, who will play an important role in Marty's business. The FBI agent (Jason Butler Harner) and the seriously ill, often naked man (Harris Yulin) who rents his house for the Byrde family, with the condition that he may stay there until he dies.
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